Do Not Sell My Personal Information
(Notice for California Residents Only)

Under the California Consumer Protection Act ("CCPA"), California residents have the right, at any time, to direct a business that sells personal information about the consumer to third parties not to sell the consumer's personal information. This right is referred to in CCPA as the Right to Opt-Out.
This notice ("Notice") is designed to explain the Right to Opt-Out clearly to California residents, as a supplement to our California Privacy Policy and our Main Privacy Policy1. Those policies, along with this Notice, are intended to comprehensively describe how we may obtain personal information, which types of personal information we obtain, how we use, share, and protect personal information, your rights under CCPA regarding our privacy practices, and how to contact us with any CCPA requests or other privacy questions.
Does Physician Jobs actually "sell" my personal information?
Physician Jobs does not sell your personal information in the traditional sense of the word. We provide this additional review of our practices relating to personal information because we take very seriously CCPA's mission and directive that we provide a transparent and comprehensive disclosure to you of all our business activities which are subject to CCPA.
As a recruitment company, Physician Jobs may share details of candidates with hiring managers and organizations in order to deliver a recruitment service.
Additionally, cookies and similar technologies may be used to observe and understand your browsing activities on our Site and other sites that we or our Business Partners may use to make more effective predictions about your professional interests. This is described more fully in our Main Privacy Policy, along with guidance on how you may manage or delete personal information captured via tracking technologies.
Because this collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, and any resulting exchanges of monetary or other consideration between us and our Business Partners, may be considered “sales� under CCPA, we are disclosing this specifically in this notification for the benefit of our Site users residing in California.
Physician Jobs will never sell or share your personal information for any other purpose.
How do I request that my personal information not be sold?
If you do not want your personal information "sold" in the manner described above, then please let us know in one of the following ways:
  • By Webform: please click here and you will be directed to a form that you may either submit electronically, or print out and mail to us at our address below:
  • By Telephone: 800 489-1440 (Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET)
  • By E-mail: [email protected] (please put "California Privacy Request" in the subject line)
  • By Mail or Courier:
    Physician Jobs Data Protection Officer
    Physician Jobs Database
    600 Emerson Road; Suite 450
    Saint Louis, MO 63141
Only you, or a person (or a business entity registered with the California Secretary of State), whom you have authorized to act on your behalf) may make a consumer request about your personal information.
Consistent with CCPA's provisions, we may require either (or both) that you provide your authorized agent with written permission to act for you and verify your own identity to us (or provide a power of attorney signed by you stating your authorized agent's power to act for you).2
If you have questions or concerns about your rights under our California Privacy Policy, including those described in this Notice, or any of the other provisions or practices described in either our California Privacy Policy or our Main Privacy Policy, please contact Physician Jobs's Privacy Administrator via the telephone number, e-mail address, or mail/courier address provided above.
How Does Physician Jobs Respond to My Request to Opt-Out of Sale of Personal Information?
As soon as feasibly possible, but no later than fifteen (15) business days from the date of our receipt of your request, we will act upon your request to exercise your Right to Opt-Out of the Sale of Personal Information.
We will notify all third parties to whom we have "sold" your personal information within the 90-day period prior to the date of our receipt of your request, and will direct them to not further disclose or "sell" your personal information. We will notify you when this has been completed.
Please note that if we have reasonable basis to believe that a Right to Opt-Out request is a fraudulent one (e.g., that it was not sent by the Registered User in whose name an account was set up or by their authorized agent who authority has been confirmed by the Registered User to us), we will deny that request. If we do so, then we will provide the requesting party with an explanation of our basis for believing that the request is a fraudulent one.
Updates to this Do Not Sell My Personal Information Notice
We may reserve the right to periodically update our Do Not Sell My Personal Information policy. Please reference the “LAST UPDATED� legend above for the effective date of the most recent updates to this Notice. Your continued use of our Site following these changes means that you accept the revised policy.

1 All capitalized terms in this policy refer to how those terms are defined in our California Privacy Policy and Main Privacy Policy, as applicable, unless defined in this Notice.

2 For information on preparing a Power of Attorney, see Cal. Probate Code §§ 4000-4465 ("Powers of Attorney"), here: