Infectious disease deals with the diagnosis and treatment of communicable diseases of all types, in all organs, and in all ages of patients. The specialty requires an understanding of the microbiology, prevention, and management of disorders caused by viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections, including the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents, vaccines, and other immunobiological agents; the environmental, occupational, and host factors that predispose to infection; and the basic principles of epidemiology and transmission of infection. The emergence of drug-resistant bacteria and the AIDS epidemic have significantly affected this specialty.
Physicians in this specialty use pervious patient case studies to provide treatment. A patient is assessed by the physician through blood tests, X-rays, a look at previous medical records, and other lab tests to gather information. Infectious diseases cause the most deaths in third world countries.
These diseases are also in the top five list of killers in the wealthiest of places. Infectious diseases remain present and have not been cured, so the specialization is in demand for those to help defeat the diseases.
Median Salary: $200,986 per year
Projected Growth: 18% from 2014-2024
Boston, MA 0211101/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Riverside, CA 01/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Los Angeles, CA 01/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Upland, PA 1901301/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Green Bay, WI 5430301/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Boston, MA 0211101/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Bridgeport, CT 0660601/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Lancaster, CA 01/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Jersey City, NJ 0730201/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Indianapolis, IN 4620201/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Indianapolis, IN 01/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Disease | Permanent
Torrington, CT 0679001/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Bridgeport, CT 0660601/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Palo Alto, CA 01/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Boston, MA 0211101/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Bridgeport, CT 0660601/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Jersey City, NJ 0730201/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Jersey City, NJ 0730201/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Green Bay, WI 5430301/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent
Boston, MA 0211101/16/2025
Physician | Infectious Diseases | Permanent