Physician Assistant Physician Jobs

About Physician Assistant Careers

A physician assistant is a medical professional who operates under a doctor’s supervision. Both, the doctor as well as the PA, share patient care responsibility. A scope of a PA’s duties includes examining patients, diagnosing illnesses, taking the patient’s history, developing and carrying out treatment plans, counseling patients on healthcare plans and suturing wounds.

A PA always works under the supervision of a doctor. They may do this in an office, hospital, or other health care organization.

Median Salary: $90,930 per year

Projected Growth: 38% from 2014-2024


Time is of the essence when responding to contracts.
Do not waste time when it comes to negotiating, declining, or accepting a contract.
Having a clear idea of what you are wanting in a contract makes the processes easier.
Along with that, it is important to be open minded and lenient with some aspects due to the fact a contract may not be able to fit every single one of your qualifications.
Be sure to act professionally and confidently when interviewing and negotiating.
The way you handle yourself may affect your contract.

Interesting Facts

  • Primary care is one of the most popular PA practices.

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