A disease or abnormal condition that affects the pulmonary system is handled by a physician specializing in pulmonary disease. Pulmonary disease symptoms usually include chest pain, coughing, abnormal breathing sounds, or arm and shoulder pain. There are different types of pulmonary diseases. Acute diseases seen and treated include ones such as asthma. This is also known as an obstructive disease. Another type of disease is known as the restrictive respiratory disease. This includes ones such as scoliosis. This limit the amount of space that a lung has to expand to breathe. Infectious diseases include pneumonia and they are ones that infect a part of the respiratory system.
Gillette, WY 82716-342608/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Gillette, WY 82716-342608/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Pottsville, PA 1790108/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 4422208/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
West Nyack, NY 1099508/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Browns Mills, NJ 0801508/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Browns Mills, NJ 0801508/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Overland Park, KS 6621008/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Overland Park, KS 6621008/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent
Laurinburg, NC 2835208/15/2024
Physician | Pulmonary Disease | Permanent